Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Madness Needs To Start Somewhere

Good day!

This intro is seriously a year and a half in the making. I'm so horrible at introductions. Whether it's been introducing myself, writing the first few pages of a novel, or even the first paragraph of a term paper....I've always sucked at them. I'll sit and stare at the screen and completely agonize over every single syllable. I'll write, erase, rewrite, erase, and then pull my hair out. Case in point: I've written about 4 different introductions for this blog, and each has been deleted.

I know. Crazy. Well I am a little absurd. 

I have also changed the topic of this blog at least 2 or 3 different times. At first it was going to be just costuming....building, researching, show off-ing, etc. Then as I realized I do a ton of other crafty things, so I should probably include that as well! That was a big delete again. I decided that if I can't keep a topic around for a few months, then it wasn't what this cyber thought bubble was supposed to be about. 

Then there was nothing. For like 7 months this thing sat all alone. Forgotten. Poor wittle bloggy.

But, with the help of my man and the little nerdy thing growing in my belly, I've made a decision. 

Being pregnant, with a girl no less, terrifies me. There, I've admitted it. I was a horribly completely un-confident girl growing up, thusly turning into a horribly completely un-confident woman, and I'm terrified our daughter will go down the same path because I don't know any better. I want her to grow up comfortable in her own skin, with positively strong female role models to look up to. I even went so far as to searching on Pinterest "how to raise Hermione Granger", though nothing came up. Sad, I know.

We want to make sure we expose her to all the gloriously awesome nerdy things the world has to offer, without her feeling like an outcast. We want her to experience comic books, cosplay, really awesome video games, and amazing novels that leave you with the biggest book hangovers ever. 

So here I'll keep it all, and stuff for me, too. As she continues to grow in my belly, you'll know about her. You'll know about my projects, the costumes I just finished making and the ones I'm getting ready to start. All of my other geeky projects and just some general geek stuff (like the Sony Press Conference at E3 OMG!). You'll ride along with me as we try to raise a strong, confident, intelligent, geeky daughter in a world that still puts so much emphasis on body shape and  beauty. 

I need to put it all down somewhere and old school journaling just never did it for me. I like to know that people are out there reading and caring...if only in my imagination.

I admit I'm vain. Moving on. 


I'm just as bad at ending things as I am starting them....

I'm off to eat ice cream and cookie dough! <3 div="">

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